Teachers on Twitter

Great inspirational, quick, powerful, packed with a punch read! @jenny_cimini @LeeAraoz

The Golden Age of Education

Passionate educators pushing the envelope

Lifelong learners honing their craft

Changing the world one tweet at a time

Expanding, enhancing, growing.

Riding the hashtags of

#weekly edchats

participant-led #edcamps,

#conferences, and #workshops.

Meeting like-minded teachers from all over the globe

Expanding their PLNs

digitally collaborating

GROWING exponentially.

Always learning


Personalized PD

“The best I’ve ever had!”

Dedicated professionals

committed to their students

Finding new ways to teach

sharing what works and what doesn’t.

Empowered educators

tweeting about their students, their colleagues, their schools

creating good content

Bragging about their work!

CONNECTING their students with

awesome authors,

wise experts,

and their peers across the world.

Gaining inspiration

from teachers, admins and ed leaders

Passion-driven, teacher-directed

Learning in its purest form.



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My Not-So-Fancy Classroom

Crawling Out of the Classroom

As my classroom assistant and I were setting up our room this past week her seventh grade son remarked, “It’s like you’ve centered everything around books in here.” And I stopped and made him repeat his words just so I could be sure that I heard him correctly. And then I looked him straight in the eye and said, “That’s the greatest thing anyone could have ever said about our classroom.”

A few days later, another teacher walked in and said, “So what’s your theme? Every class has to have a theme.” After I first told him I didn’t really have one and he seemed a bit disappointed, I remembered the words of the wise seventh grader and I said, “Well then, my theme is reading.”

You see, I decided that this year everything that went into my room had to serve a purpose. It had to help my students…

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An inspiring interview with Diane Ravitch

GFBrandenburg's Blog

Read it here.

A quote:

[Interviewer]: My biggest disappointment with Barack Obama is his education policy. He had Linda Darling-Hammond as his consultant during the 2008 election, and we get Arne Duncan.

[Diane Ravitch]:That was bait and switch. The greatest disappointment of this entire situation, which I consider to be a direct assault on the very principle of public education in America, is Barack Obama. In the state of the union, the president said that he didn’t want teaching to the test, but he wants teachers who don’t get the test marks to be ousted. He pretends to be completely detached and almost as though he doesn’t know what Arne Duncan is doing. Arne Duncan is doing what Barack Obama wants him to do, and they are doing what the Wall Street hedge-fund managers want them to do. They are pushing a privatization agenda, there’s no question…

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Caring makes all the difference in the world. Not a mood or an attitude…caring is a way of being. You either care or you don’t. It’s easy to care when something is important to you. But how about caring when it’s important to someone else? How about caring when there’s nothing in it for you, because it makes the world a better place? Caring is courageous.

Caring does not turn on and off. It doesn’t only count when it grabs your attention. It doesn’t matter just when you feel like it. It is something that can be seen from within regardless of the moment or the motivation. You either genuinely care or you don’t. It is more than a feeling…it is action. Talk is cheap…caring leaves no doubt.

Caring3In order to be caring you have to have thought through what you are all about. You know why you are here…why…

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Craneville School Salute!

Judith Jango-Cohen

The snow was swirling on a blustery day in the Berkshires. But despite the frosty weather, I received a heartwarming welcome from the teachers, principal, custodian, and students at the Craneville School. Thank you all for a rewarding and exciting day. Thanks also to Rob Difazio for a skillful job organizing the visit and to Sascha for her colorful and cheery poster! 

Beautiful work Sascha!BEAUTIFUL WORK, SASCHA!

I hope to hear from you again soon, when you send along your “Exciting Writing.” Please do!
P.S. How did your class’s alliteration and similes activities go, Mrs. Cimini?

You can view my school program/author visit video at:



You can view or download my school program/author visit brochure at:

Hiker in Borrego Palm Canyon, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, BoAUTHOR PROGRAMS/VISITS BROCHURE

See my husband’s and my photography at: http://www.agpix.com/cohen

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Got a Minute? One Sure Fire Way to Get Students to Read

Pernille Ripp

For the past 3 years I have avidly shared my reading life.  Students always know the book I am reading, they know the titles I am excited about it, I have shown them pictures of my ever growing TBR (to be read) pile at my house and every week I am lucky enough to bring in new books for my students.  I place them on the shelves, the ledges, the window sill.  I place them on their desks and I place them into their hands.  And yet, something was definitely missing.  Students were reading sure, I see them with the books in their hands, but for some reason my excitement was not carrying over.  Those books I had loved that were given 5 stars on my “Read” poster were still staring at me from the shelves.  Enter Nancy Atwell and her idea that is so simple, yet I had forgotten…

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