A New Technique For Creating More Aha Moments: The Surprise Journal

Make better decisions, turn your assumptions upside down, and kick your curiosity up a notch by starting a “surprise journal.”

Source: www.fastcompany.com

In some ways, framing things as a “surprise” is just a way to trick yourself into making the process of changing your mind less painful.

See on Scoop.itAchieve Educate

Interesting Visual Featuring 27 Ways to Be An Effective Teacher ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Source: www.educatorstechnology.com

27 Ways to be an effective classroom teacher:

Get plugged into the best teachersMaintain contact with the familyRead up on the best teaching techniquesInvestigate new discoveries with the classIncorporate music into the classroomChallenge your students just beyond their present reachIncorporate social mediaReward a great attemptExperiment in the classroomCreate a global perspectiveEncourage lots of questioningDon’t band-aid or cover up student confusionGive your students all the tools to succeedGet lots of sleepMaintain healthy eatingDon’t raise your voice. Maintain your controlDon’t pull teeth. encourage students alongGrow along with your classAnchor your lesson in their worldMaintain your energy levelFind the key to each student’s success and use itEncourage out of the box thinkingAllow students to express themselves using the artsLet the students erase yesterday and start with a clean slate each dayStop the lecture and let students speakChat with your studentsReach out to struggling students and successful students.

See on Scoop.itAchieve Educate

How I Know My Students Are Reading at Home

Pernille Ripp

image from etsy

I remember the reading logs well, my brothers hastily whipping them out Sunday night asking my mom to sign off that they had read x number of minutes.  My mother never checked, she did not want to be the reading police, after all, she knew my brothers read.  She didn’t care how many minutes or which book, all that mattered was that at some point their eyes met something to read. A great post by Angela Watson got me thinking, how do I know my students are reading if I don’t check their reading log?  How do I know that at some point their eyes meet a text?  There are many ways actually.

  • I watch their reaction.  Kids who read want independent reading time.  Kids who are in a great part of a book want time to find out what will happen next.  Kids who slowly get…

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Chasing Imperfection.


Hello after a long and joyful break from blogging. Joyful (and long) because our time was spent loving and learning this little guy:

Bo. Bo.

As many of you know, becoming a parent is a steep learning curve.

Just kidding. We haven't done this. (Yet.) http://www.antalik.com/baby-instructions/ Just kidding. We haven’t done this.

It took us awhile to get pregnant. At some point, we had to accept that our story was not going to be”perfect.” And while that was tough, it helped prepare us for the first weeks of Bo’s life. Because – spoiler alert – having a newborn is not a “perfect” experience. It is beautiful, full of love and laughter, but not perfect. Let’s be clear – the baby is perfect in our eyes. But we are not. Far from it.

Like, I have, um, a friend who forgot to put the diaper on right and was greeted with a whiz to the face. Or, er, another friend

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Stop Teaching – Start Learning



Do you ever teach a class?

By ‘teach’ I mean talk to the whole class to share instruction or discuss content. If the answer is yes, then I would like to examine your aims in doing so. The three common reasons for talking to a whole class are:

  • Task instruction;
  • Delivery of content/concept/facts;
  • Class discussion.

I believe that only the first of these 3 can be said to succeed in it’s aims and even then fails often. All forms of learning should offer equal opportunity to all, not only to be involved but succeed in the learning intentions. Every learner deserves to maximise their time available to ensure they definitely learn and grow. People are different and so any one-size-fits-all mechanism is guaranteed to fail to be fair to all. I have spoken to people of all ages who agree that teacher verbal + visuals delivery of content to a large audience…

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The Intersection of Growth Mindsets and Maker Education

User Generated Education

I have a recent interest in both Growth Mindsets and Maker Education; and have blogged and presented on both of these topics.  As such and because of my passion for both of these area, I have been thinking about the intersection between the two.  This intersection, I found, is strong and powerful.

A growth mindset tolerates more risk and failure, while a fixed mindset tends to avoid risk and its accompanying frustration. It is obvious which mindset helps someone adapt to and contribute to a world that is constantly changing. Dweck points out that many who excel academically have a fixed mindset, which limits them to exploring only the areas they were told they were good at. Such mindsets are often found within the teaching profession itself, and presents a true challenge in adopting Maker principles to the classroom of the near future. Conversely, many who do poorly in school…

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